Contact Info This is the most important part. If you would like to post your pic and bio, send the following information along:
Your Fearless Leader
Now for a little bit about me. My name's Allen and I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. I'm 29 years old and I live at home. I have a spinal cord injury, C6 complete, and I depend alot on my family (they're very good people). Infact, I have alot of good people caring for me. As for my interests, I love the computer. I was a voracious reader when I was younger and the internet is a vast wealth of information (enough to keep me very occupied). I speak and read some French and I like to talk with people from all over the world. I would love to travel. I'm single and I would like to meet an English or French woman but I'm not too serious at this point (I would also eventually like to have children). I follow spinal cord injury research very closely I hope to be walking again in the next several years. Well, thats me. By the way, here's my personal webpage: |